如何使自己的EM - 1™孕育和Bokashi


阿罗哈大拇指和朋友. 我回来给我最大的秘密之一远, 这是我自己的自制根接种或EM™/ BAM(有益微生物活跃) 使水饭, 牛奶和糖. 有许多荒谬的价格买了架版本, 对于那些小的人知道如何使自己的. 楼 & 花园,使根加速器,Hygrozyme, Sensizyme, 高级营养巫毒汁的高价位产品的一些我自己的家文化作品,以及甚至在某些情况下甚至更好的工作. 我知道很多种植者将别想了培养自己,甚至将有知道如何, 但我向您为自己的节俭有机园艺用途,我的知识. 更何况我对如何回收和堆肥谈到与蠕虫, 现在我将向你介绍的Bokashi堆肥或发酵,以及如何使自己的家里做的廉价的替代Bokashi桶和Bokashi日本组合形式.


有效微生物群, 又名 EM技术, 现在是一个商标用语,常用来形容一个专有混合 3 或更多类型的主要 厌氧 最初销售EM - 1™微生物接种,但生物体是现在销售的公司多如牛毛,名目繁多, 每一个与自己的专有混合. “EM技术™” 利用实验室培养的微生物为主的混合物组成 乳酸菌, 紫细菌, 和 酵母 而共存的任何环境中,他们介绍了好处, 因为一直声称的各种电磁般的文化传播者. 据报道[1] 包括:

的概念友好微生物'是由日本园艺家 比嘉照夫, 从冲绳县琉球大学|冲绳岛, 日本. 他报告说,在20世纪70年代的组合约 80 不同的微生物是分解有机物的积极影响,使得它成为一个恢复生命促进'的过程能力. 比嘉调用一个'优势原则'来解释他的'有效微生物的影响. 他声称,三组存在微生物: '积极微生物' (再生), '负微生物' (分解, 退化), '机会主义微生物'. 在每一个中等 (土壤, 水, 空气, 人体肠道), 在'积极'和'负'微生物的比例是关键, 因为按照机会主义微生物再生或退化趋势. 因此,, 比嘉认为,这是可能的积极影响给予了补充与媒体 积极 微生物.

EM™技术是应该保持可持续的做法,如农业和​​可持续发展的生活, 并声称支持人类健康和卫生, 畜牧业, 堆肥和废物管理, 灾后清理 (东南亚海啸 2004, 阪神大地震, 飓风卡特里娜和整治项目), 一般用来促进自然群落功能.

EM™已被聘用在许多农业应用, 但也用于一些保健品在南非和美国设有生产.[引文需要] (燃油添加剂产品不再可用).

以马来西亚高中, 专员全国中学’ 欧恩巴特沃思, 槟城, MS的治疗中水利用, 尽量减少气味化粪池 & 从下水道污泥中删除.


电磁/的BAM: 这是商业秘密!(乳酸菌文化)

1/4 水稻杯


1 一杯水

1 细网过滤器

80 盎司牛奶的多少取决于一个正

1 加仑的容器或罐子

1 茶匙. 黑糖蜜表带


1. 放入玻璃瓶米和一杯水,并剧烈震荡,直到白色浑浊水, 应变关闭米粒和弃置于旅游吃饭堆肥或厨师. 我听说日本加入北约的冲刺,以帮助发酵,但不需要.


2. 地方帽松散,存放在一个橱柜或阴凉地方 5-7 天.

3. 把顶上一层过筛和应变液体 (血清)

4. 衡量你的米饭加液,现在比 1 部分发酵大米 10 部分牛奶, 我会在这样一种文化 1 加仑罐. 它很容易 5-7 天.

稻水和牛奶发酵血清 3 天 - 通知盖在上面只有选址建设的压力,以不.

5. 筛过豆腐结算,并加入到您的土壤或饲料的动物是他们的消化良好, 那么就应该有一个淡黄色的血清,左这是你激活的血清.

6. 新增 1 茶匙糖蜜饲料和保持您的细菌存活和冷藏. 应该有一个保质期 6-12 个月.

7. 激活微生物活动,室温无氯在水中的比例 1 对部分血清 20 部分水.

8. 饲料厂或直接进入土壤或滤泡喂养.



Bokashi是一个密集的方法 堆肥. 它可以使用 有氧厌氧 生产的堆肥接种. 一旦 发酵剂 是由, 它可用于文化无限期延长, 像 酸奶 文化. 自从引进流行 有效微生物群 (中), Bokashi通常马

只有德 糖蜜, 水, 中, 和 麦麸.

在家庭堆肥应用, 厨房垃圾放入一个可与一密封的容器 气密 成员. 然后,这些废料 接种 与Bokashi 混合. 这通常需要一个载体形式, 例如

作为 稻壳, 麦麸或木屑, 已接种堆肥的微生物. 是天然的EM 乳酸 细菌, 酵母, 和 光合 细菌充当厨房内的微生物群落下脚料, 加快发酵和分解有机物质. 用户将交替发生食物残渣混合层和Bokashi直到容器满.

Bokashi粮食: 小麦大麦发酵

Bokashi适度容易和便宜,使有许多在线视频演练, 你管是对于初学者的好地方得到一些帮助, 但这里是一个简单的方法容易使Bokashi. 主要由小麦壳或麦麸,但我听到人们从燕麦使用任何东西, 大麦, 木屑和花生壳,甚至无盐.

Bokashi粮食 :( 10 & 50 英镑组合)

10 英镑麦麸

4 汤匙电磁血清

4 汤匙糖蜜

10-12 杯子非氯化水


50 英镑麦麸

3/4 电磁血清杯

3/4 杯糖蜜

3-4 加仑非氯化水




1. 添加糖蜜水,拌匀.

2. 新增电磁血清

3. 放入搅拌容器或麦麸的东西混上如果有大量的决策.

4. 添加液体缓慢,直到所有的液体混合vigourously增加

和所有麸材料挫伤. Bokashi组合应同样潮湿,稍粘到所.

5. 我为我的发酵 5 加仑水桶和垃圾袋. 一旦我的组合好了,我行一 5 与加仑桶 2 垃圾袋,并开始在旁边舀在我的Bokashi混合层, 压缩和压缩所有的空气从我的麸皮混合。(基调: 空气会产生错误的细菌培养,如果你看到黑色 , 绿色或灰色的模具扔掉你的混音远, 白色是行是酵母。) 关闭场所空气袋和密封的盖子绑在水桶.

紧凑型气密Bokashi混入 5 加仑桶

6. 商店 14 在暗区天凉发酵.

7. 打开混合发酵(气味应该像苹果汁甜)及杂项具体或在阳光篷布, 时间可能会因你的位置和一年中的干燥时间取决于.

8. 放在你的堆肥容器需要Bokashi, 明确冲入厕所化粪池, 喂牲畜,以更好地消化.

嗯,这是一对夫妇便宜方便的商业秘密,应该利于您有机繁体医疗花园. 它是绿色的,节俭是最好的,我们为自己做的事. 如果您觉得有必要做更多的研究与益生菌研究植物的有机耕作.

122 回应 “如何使自己的EM - 1™孕育和Bokashi”

  • Rick 说::

    After I let the milk and rice water ferment for a week, I will skim the curd off. Now I haveunactivated” 血清, do I refrigerate
    With or without molasses ? Does the molasses activate the serum? Or just unchlorinated water activates the serum?
    Thank you.

  • Edward 说::


    Thank you for sharing your experiences.
    I also have used lacto fermented EM1 in my bokashi with very positive outcome.
    But at the same time still curious if my homemade methode mission out on some important bacterias ( phototropic ).


  • rev.summit 说::

    Aloha Rick sorry for late delay, holiday weekend.
    Your serum is to be refrigerated after straining and when you would like to activate it add your molasses to the serum. The water does not activate the microbes but gives it a large environment to populate. Adding the activated lacto to in chlorinated water with more molasses will stretch your lacto and create a higher rate of replication in microbes but at the same time that activated water will now have a shelf life. This is why it is mixed right before being added to the wheat bran in making bakashi. The water needs to be absorbed by the bran and the organisms piggy back water into the bran start to ferment and then to a point become dormant again till added to waste and reactivated.

    P.S. been getting great result by using 2/3 molasses and 1/3 Organic barley malt in the activation of a newer version. Also experimenting with some brewers yeast versions

  • rev.summit 说::

    Experiment my brother! Make controls as no one said you have to use just these things. As I am experimenting with Organic Barley malt and brewers yeast also in my serums with great results. As a farmer with one plant in one pot, each plant can be a controlled experiment. I encourage growth in knowledge too. As our grandfathers used ENVIRONMENTAL ORGANICS, meaning the harnessed and created out fertilizers and pesticides right out of there own environments. Look into harnessing IMO or IMHO what ever you would like to label them and find what’s best for you. Humans wouldn’t be alive if we needed a company or a magazine article to tell me what I need to grow a vegetable or my meds. 1000 years ago my great grandad didnt need it and I don’t need it today either. Just remember if you are unwilling to do it yourself then you part the problem. Our DRIVE THRU SOCIETY is unfortunately to blame for no farmers and GMO as not enough of a farming army to feed the masses but, we will blindly let a few feed us using chemicals and machines. Keep the homeless starving and worse the masses struggling for jobs, let machines farm for us, and lol maybe the matrix does happen and the farm us.

  • Florence 说::

    Dear Sir,
    Can I check with you what if the rice liquid with milk being fermented more than 7 days, say 21 days, does it brings any effect?
    Hope you can revert. TQ

  • rev.summit 说::

    I have had some let it sit for longer, seems the cheese will start to firm food mold which isn’t always good, but had one patient make a batch and said let it stand 14 days and then sifted off the cheese and the mold and it never touched his serum, and he had no ill effect, but I cannot say that it won’t either. That’s why I make small batches as it has a shelf life. If the serum is refridgerated the shelf life is longer as you may activate small batches of dormant lactobacillus.

  • Dustin 说::

    Question for you do you shack the rice water and milk before setting it in a dark spot? 还, after your 7 days do take all the curd off the top or strain it?
    Thanks for your time Dustin from Michigan.

  • rev.summit 说::

    Well up to you to shake or stir your milk when mixed, but only when first put together. As time and being in disturbed helps the splitting process. And yes strain your cheese off and your serum is what u want not the cheese.

  • Dustin 说::

    So I shouldn’t have nothing in the bottom of the jar? Cause I didn’t stir or shake the milk and the rice water(血清) when I added the milk to it. Is this gonna be problem?
    Thank you for your help and how to make the EM. This is very great and helpful!!
    Dustin from Michigan

  • rev.summit 说::

    Should be no problem, but realize you are adding infected rice water to milk at 10 parts milk to 1 part infected rice water, and after sifting there will still be some cheese settlement this is fine as long as there is only small pieces.

  • Dustin 说::

    Can you add the bokashi straight to the soil without any composted material, will this effect the plants?

  • Rev Summit 说::

    I have had some friends add the bolas hi grain straight to garden areasand have seen newer style bolas hi compost tea brewers. I personally don’t but I do use inoculated coco chunk in my newest soil mixes. The coco chunk is soaked in a activated lactobacillus and hormone stew. Then layered on bottom of my pots instead of perlite and also mixed in my potting mix at a 15%-20% ratio.
